ICS 2nd Year Computer Science Guess Papers 2025


ICS 2nd Year Computer Science Guess Papers

Are you looking for ICS 2nd year Computer Science Guess Papers? We have arranged and sorted out the intermediate Part-II annual exams 2025 guess papers for ICs Students.

ICS 2nd Year Computer Science Guess Papers 2025

The Punjab Board of education has announced the 12th class annual exams date sheet 2025 and students are searching for ICS 2nd year Computer Science Guess Papers. As per the schedule of annual exams, the first paper of the 12th class started on July 10, 2025. Therefore we are hereby providing you ICS 2nd year Computer Science Guess Papers 2025.

ICS 12th Class Computer Science Guess Papers 2025

Students are advised to avail this golden opportunity and read carefully these 12th Class Computer Science Guess Papers 2025 in order to get good marks in ICS computer science. These guess papers of computer 2nd year will be helpful for the students of ICS computer science. Check the 2nd year computer science guess paper 2025 on Dailyilm website for good results.

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ICS Computer Science Guess Papers 2025 Important Long Questions

Following are the Computer Science Guess Papers 2025 important long questions. Read carefully to get good marks in exams.

    1. Write down a program that inputs a character from the user and checks whether it is a vowel or not.
    2. Discuss different types of forms in MS-Access with an example.
    3. What is a Database Management System? Explain three major components of the database management system.
    4. Define the data distribution? Explain three data distribution strategies in detail.
    5. What are the major components of a logical data model?
    6. Define referential integrity with an example? Explain the cascade up-date and cascade delete options in referential integrity.
    7. What is the Query? Discuss its disadvantages and advantages.
    8. What are reports? Explain any three types of reports with an example.
    9. Define the bug and debugging? Explain a few types of errors in the C program.
    10. What is a “file”? Explain any three types of files in detail.
    11. Write important 8 rules for naming variables in C language.
    12. Write down a program in C language to accept a year from the keyboard.
    13. Write down a program in C language that inputs a number from the user and print the table of numbers to be entered by the user.
    14. Explain the working of the loop with syntax and flowchart in detail.
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Keep visiting this page for the latest news and updates about 2nd Year Computer Science Guess Papers 2025, 12th Class Computer Science Guess Papers 2025, and 2nd Year Computer Science Guess Papers 2025 Important Long Questions.

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