NTS Lady Health Visitor Written Test Result 2022 Merit List

Are you waiting for NTS Lady Health Visitor written test result 2022? The National Testing Service NTS is going to announce the result of Lady Health Visitor jobs which were announced earlier. Find here the complete NTS LHV result 2022.

NTS Lady Health Visitor LHV Written Test Result 2022 Merit List

Lady Health Visitor jobs were announced by the Punjab Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department. All those candidates who have appeared in the written test conducted by NTS are now looking for NTS Lady Health Visitor result 2022. We will upload the NTS LHV written test result as soon as the NTS will announce the result. You are advised to keep visiting us to check online NTS Lady Health Visitor jobs result 2022.

NTS Junior Technician Result

NTS LHV Written Test Result 2022

NTS Lady Health Visitor merit list of selected candidates and shortlisted candidates list for an interview will be updated here soon. Candidates can also check here the complete merit list of Lady Health Visitor jobs 2022. However, the NTS LHV merit list will be uploaded here soon.

How to Check NTS Lady Health Visitor Result 2022?

  • Visit the official website of NTS nts.org or click here
  • Go to the NTS result section to check online NTS LHV result
  • Enter your CNIC or roll number to check result by CNIC/roll number
  • Print your result