The basic concept of an Application for Sick Leave in Urdu is to leave the school, college, and employee for the department. It is mandatory for all the students or employees to submit Sick Leave Application forms in front of the Higher Authority, Headmaster or Headmistress etcetera.
Today we will guide you on how to write a Sick Leave Application Form Certificate to request leave from the school, college, or department. There are several types of Application Leave that are used for several purposes.
The following types of Leave Application Forms that are categorized into many types and purposes. Remember the pattern, style, and main body of the Application for Sick Leave in Urdu form are the same but the agenda and purpose are different from each other.
How to Write an Application for Sick Leave in Urdu, English
The Principal
School Name: …………………………..
School Address:………………………….
Subject: Application for Sick Leave in Urdu
Respected Sir/Medam
I beg to say that today I’m suffering from high fever from last night. I am unable to present in the school/college/department. So owing to this I need two days’ Sick Leave. Kindly allow me 2 days’ Leave for Sick.
I shall be very thankful and obliged to you for this act of kindness.
Yours Faithfully Student
Class: ………………….
Roll No:…………………
How to Write an Application for Sick Leave in Urdu
درخواست برائے چھٹی بوجہ بیماری
بخدمت جناب ہیڈ ماسٹر گورنمنٹ ہائی سکول الف ب ج د
جنابِ عالی!
مئود بانہ گزارش ہے کہ میں آپکے زیر سایہ چھٹی کلاس میں تعلیم حاصل کر رہا ہوں۔ کل رات سے مجھے سخت بخار ہے۔ جسکی وجہ سے میں آج سکول حاضر ہونے سے قاصر ہوں۔ مہربانی فرما کر مجھے2 یوم کی رخصت عنایت فرمائی جائے۔
آپ کی عین نوازش ہوگی۔
آپ کا تابع فرماں شاگرد
Types of Leave For Government Employees or Teachers
- Medical Leave or Sick Leave Application Form: It is written in case of any major or minor illness.
- Marriage Leave Certificate: It is used on the special event of marriage and wedding ceremony.
- Domestic Problem Leave Form: It is used on domestic issues and domestic work.
- Umrah or Hujj Leave Form: It is used when you aim to go to KSA for Umrah or Hajj.
- Casual Leave Form: It is used for casual work at home.
- Gazetted Leave: It is written when the Government announced National Holidays like 5th Feb, 23 March, 1st May, 14th August, 9th November, 25th December etcetera.
- LPR Leave: Leave preparatory to Retirement
- Leave Encashment
- Ex-Pakistan Leave
- Special Leave: It is allowed by the higher authority when to give some rest after completing special tasks.
- Earned Leave Form:
- Maternity Leave Form: It is allowed for the mother who brings a child.
- Paternity Leave Form: It is allowed for parents/fathers to serve their wives in the hospital.
- Study Leave: It is written when to leave the school or any department to get study or to attend any exam.
- Without Pay Leave: It is written when an employee leaves the office without getting paid/salary.
- Local Leave
- Disability Leave: It is allowed to the only disabled person.
- Extraordinary Leave
What is the rule to write an Application for Sick Leave in Urdu?
Hope the readers, candidates of all classes, es and all government employees will be happy to find the Application for Sick Leave in Urdu Form For School, Office, Employee بیماری کی چھٹی کی درخواست کیسے I لکھیں I in I Urdu I and I English I. All the rules have been set up by Grammarly for both languages. The major purpose is shown in bold color. You should change the major purpose according to the type of leave as written above.

I am Rashid Javed, an Author with 8 years of experience at Master’s in Literacy, Sociology, and Social Sciences. Passionate about insightful, trustworthy content for readers.