Hardeep Singh Randhawa Urdu Novel by Rizwan Ghuman

Read online or download free PDF Urdu Novel Hardeep Singh Randhawa written by Rizwan Ghuman Download Free PDF.

Hardeep Singh Randhawa Urdu Novel by Rizwan Ghuman Download PDF free 2021. Read online or download the wonderful story of 1947 migration. Sikh and Muslims voice


Hardeep Singh Randhawa Novel is not a traditional novel but the voice of the Sikhs and Muslims who were killed in the riots of Partition of India. It is the story of desolate houses, bazaars, and mansions whose inhabitants never returned. This story is not about a single Hardeep Singh or his Muslim friend Razi. If you go to both East and West Punjab, you will find hundreds, thousands, and even millions of Hardeep Singhs whose stories will torment you.

The story of this novel is based on truth. The story of Hardeep Singh Randhawa Urdu novel is the truth of the society that we Pakistanis or Indians do not want to listen to because we really like to hear what we want and we have been listening to it for the last seventy years.

If you want to read Hardeep Singh Randhawa Urdu Novel by Rizwan Ghuman Download PDF file free of cost. You can also read this novel online. Hardeep novel download link is given below.

Hardeep Singh Randhawa novel is the story of anonymous women, children, and the youth whose blood laid the foundations of India and Pakistan. This is the story of young boys who were killed while saving the honor of their mothers and sisters. This is the story of Muslim, Hindu, and Sikh rebels who saw their loved ones die and became blind in the fire of revenge.

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Views of Writer;

This story was told to me by a 95-year-old Indian-American from the United States who especially came from the United States to Germany to tell me his story. There was a lot of pain in this timeless love story of two friends but I still couldn’t muster the courage to write it.

I have tried very hard to reduce the bitterness of this story, Otherwise, the story was so painful that I even cried when I heard it. I didn’t have the courage to write this story and I also knew that if I wrote everything truthfully, the patience of my readers would will ends.

If you feel that pain and helplessness while reading this story, you must write a message to me and remember me in prayers. In the Hardeep Singh Randhawa novel, both Razi and Hardeep Singh’s name and place are fictitious.

Finally, I would like to ask my reading friends to read this story and if they like it, please share it with your loved ones. Hardeep Singh Randhawa Urdu Novel by Rizwan Ghuman Download PDF for free. Hardeep Singh Novel download link is given below.

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Who is Rizwan Ali Ghuman?

Rizwan Ali Ghuman is an article, stories, and novel writer, born in Bahawalpur on May 20, 1985. He completed his studies at SE college Bahawalpur before leaving for Greece. But now a day, he is living in Germany.

Rizwan Ali Ghuman Novel Writer, Article Writer, Story Writer
Rizwan Ali Ghuman – Photo

Apart from writing novels, Rizwan Ali Ghuman has been writing articles and stories in various newspapers and magazines for the past 9 years. The pain, love, romance, and emotions found in his stories are also found in his personality as well. He is basically a novel writer and wrote more than 13 novels and hundreds of articles which are famous and popular among Urdu readers worldwide. View Rizwan Ali Ghuman Facebook profile and Facebook page.

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