Jazz Prepaid Daily YouTube and Social Offer Complete Guide

Daily Youtube and Social Offer
YouTube and Social Offer – Jazz

Jazz Daily Youtube & Social Offer

Jazz offering Daily YouTube & Social offers for its prepaid customers at incredibly low prices. Jazz consumers can enjoy Jazz YouTube Offer, Jazz WhatsApp Offer & Jazz Facebook offer for 24 hours a day. Jazz Daily Free YouTube & Jazz Social package data offered is 1GB and the Price of Daily YouTube & Jazz Daily Social Bundle is Rs. 15 (Incl. Tax) only. Recharge required for Daily YouTube & Social offer is Rs. 17 only.


How to Subscribe Jazz Daily YouTube & Social Offer?

To subscribe to Daily YouTube & Social Bundle Jazz dial *968#.

also read: Jazz Super Ghanta Offer


Check Remaining MBs of Jazz Daily YouTube & Social Offer

Check remaining free MBs of Jazz Daily YouTube & Social Offer by dialing status code *968*2#. The validity of the Daily YouTube & Social Internet Offer is 24 hours.

Package Free Internet On-Net Minutes Off-Net Minutes Price (Incl. Tax) Activate Now
Jazz Daily YouTube & Social Package 1 GB Rs. 15 *968#


Terms & Conditions;

  • Customers can subscribe to Daily YouTube & Social Offer by dialing the subscription code at any time.
  • This bundle will not auto-activate after expiry and need to be subscribed again.
  • Daily YouTube and Social bundles can be consumed in 2G, 3G, and 4G network areas.
  • If free internet data is used before the time of expiry, the consumer will be charged Rs.2/MB
  • If customer use the internet without subscribing to any offer, data will be charged Rs.5/MB
  • This bundle is a limited time offer subject to change at any time.