Rain Dua in Arabic Text Hadith Translation in Urdu

Rain is the waterfall drops bestowed from Allah Almighty, rain is called a blessing so what should we do when it is not raining, when it is raining, and when it is raining in excessive quantity? We should say Rain Dua in Arabic and any other language you speak well like Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, US, Greek, Italian and more. Today I will teach you, Rain Dua in Arabic Text Hadith Translation in Urdu see the images displayed online.

Rain Dua in Arabic Text Hadith Translation in Urdu

Rain Dua in Arabic Text Hadith Translation in Urdu

We should know why rain is important for us, the earth, animals and plants, and all living things on this land. Without rain and plants, life is not possible on this earth. So we must consider rain as a blessing and a super gift. We should say pray to God during the time of running. “God sends rain around us which may not spoil or destroy us and our houses. We should also say O Allah shower the rain where the trees grow.

Below observe the images displayed for the information on Rain Dua in Arabic, Urdu, and English language.

Rain Dua in Arabic Text Hadith Translation in Urdu

اللّهُمَّ صَيِّـباً نافِـعاً

Rain Dua in Arabic and Urdu

اے        اللہ      فا ئد ہ       مند       با ر ش      کے      با د ل      لے      آؤ۔

Dua for Rain in English

O Allah, bring clouds of beneficial rain.

Dua Rain in Hindi

हे अल्लाह, लाभकारी बारिश के बादल लाओ।

Rain Dua in Arabic Text Hadith Translation in Urdu
اے اللہ چارے اطراف میں بارش برسا یہاں اسکی ضرورت ہے ہم پر نہ برسا۔ آے اللہ تیلوں، پہاڈوں، وادیوں اور درخت اگنے کی جگہ پر بارش پرسا آمین۔
 Rain Dua in Arabic Text Hadith Translation in Urdu Rain Dua in Arabic Text Hadith Translation in Urdu
اے اللہ اس بارش کو ہمارے لئے فائدہ مند بنا
O Allah Almighty, make this rain beneficial for all of us.
ہم اللہ کے فضل اور اسکی رحمت سے بارش سےنوازے گئے
We were blessed with rain by Allah's grace & mercy.
اے اللہ چارے اطراف میں بارش برسا یہاں اسکی ضرورت ہے ہم پر نہ برسا۔ آے اللہ تیلوں، پہاڈوں، وادیوں اور درخت اگنے کی جگہ پر بارش پرسا آمین۔
O Allah, shower the rain in our all directions, where it is needed here, don't shower rain on us. 
May Allah shower rain on mountains, valleys, oil fields, & the places where trees grow, Ameen Sumameen.
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